Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4 Questions

1. What type of family did Nick come from?
2. Which egg does Nick live by/at?
3. What is the problem with Tom's girlfriend?
4. What did Tom do to Mrs. Wilson at the end of the chapter?
5. How did Nick get into one of Gatsby's parties?
6. What is one of the many rumors about Gatsby?
7. Why is Nick so skeptical about Gatsby and his past?
8. Why did Gatsby vanish when Tom met them at the restaurant?


  1. 1-Nick comes from a rich family
    2-East egg
    3-She's a cheater
    4-Tom broke her nose
    5-Sneaking in
    6-He was a killer
    7-Gatsby doesn't talk about his past
    8-He didn't know about tom and daisy being a couple

  2. family
    2.west egg
    3. shes cheating with her husband with tom
    4.tom broke her nose
    5.uber driver
    6.he murder a person
    7.idk he doesnt talk about hiself that much
    8. because he saw daisy


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